Makeup tips for girls.
Face beauty and body language.
Different chemicals and human skin reaction.
Why girls love with cosmetics.
Facemasks of beauty creams and different chemical materials.
Every body want to look like a flowers
and charming,attractive,shining skin attracts lover and looks very beautiful. Although some experts and wise persons explain"beauty is always present In the eyes observer", but every girl want to look like a bridle every day and every time. But here question rise these chemicals and chemicals mix materials can change the skin colour of the human skin. If there are positive effects of these chemicals then there are harmful side effects are present and some time cause allergic reactions for human skin. Although medical and clinical sciences make so much progress in dermatology and skins sciences to day nothing impossible to diagnose the side effects,diseases and disorders. But all treatment is not accordance with environmental factor. On the other side every young girl and boy wish to look like a young other than their age,because every body like "young flowers", beautiful flower", and shining skin colour. Remember beauty is not the name of " white skin", " charming akin ", or " glowing skin but beauty beauty is the aggregate of different personality characters and "mind set", competencies. Not only face beauty is the name of " beautiful faces", but it elaborate the whole set of young body angles,such white and shining tenth, long and shining hairs and whole body language as describing the line and length of beauty base at personality.
Although beauty tips are not a essay or attical but it is a "life book", that every one can and wants to study in every time in life history. As not only young boys and girls wish to look beautiful but adolescents and aged people want to look like a young one. But unfortunately those all people try to use different talcum power, different kinds of beauty cream,many different kinds of chemicals, many different type of herbal products and different kind of unbalance food ingredients. Foods supplements van also harms the harmony of body balance that can cause ugly impacts of beauty decreasing fragile.
Remember age period, health fitness, proper amount of circulating flood, known as blood, balance dirt, natural food ingredients and food supplements,are essential and important factor maintaining the beautiful of body in any age whether in young or old age. May be someone known the importance of" natural food supplements"and plenty of blood amount in body and only blood is beauty and maim cause of beauty for human skin and human body color.
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