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Privacy policy

What is privacy policy?

Privacy policy of this website.

Privacy policy and only owner benefits.

Privacy policy is ingredient and essential preface of every one.

 What about the privacy policy and it's all benefits only for one person,one company, one,society,and for only one nation. Still you not believe, please tody you own try to wrote your social media page policy and try to write some paragraph and after writing these lines then please analysis the line on the standard of a free mind person, with balance mind policy, yes here if you will succeed for your own "bias free analysis", you will see there is nothing remain.

Privacy policy of this website is free from commenting as what kinds of thoughts and thinking but only some kinds of restrictions such as harsh language uses and wrong commenting on blog posts and pages. Because aims of a writer are to benefit every one who study the both pages and posts as a results are describe in " comments section ", or directly mail to writer with some type of suggestions.

In very easy words " privacy policy", means not scatter the errors and short coming to others people but first and foremost duty of a reader is" commit positively ", among at information and for knowledge purpose.

Remember most beautiful and pretty section is" comments on comment",that indicates the real aims of the privacy policy of pages and posts,where regular readers writes comments whether there are something positive and beneficial for readers or the writer only accumulate the heap of words without purpose. Here if comments are positive then there are much chances the readers are really going something from these posts and pages. So when you study posts and pages from "", then describe your thoughts in comments.

Use of harsh,ignorant and forbidden language is not allow to use here because such kind of language can destroy the real purpose of writing of writer.

If you find any kind of spelling errors or grammatical errors please ignore and inform in comments so in this way errors can remove and language problems can improve.

Religious comments are forbidden here because someone of some religious can study these blog posts and pages and can enjoy from these study material but some one can not try to copy written material from these posts and pages because thoughts are best friends of any writer and no writer wish to stole someone else for the purpose of defame the real writer of posts and pages.

Please note here about" Honest Mind"all rights are reserve and all holds are under the owner of https"//" no body else is responsible to write,copy or delete any word,any line,paragraph ,pages of whole posts as are written under name "Honest Mind".

No matter what so are "for only research purpose " written material can copy+paste some where"without prior permission of the writer of "Honest Mind", Yes for research purpose someone can enjoy any kind of benefits from this site.

Not allow to rewrite the contents material on websites,magazine, news papers and on books with out the prior permission of the owner of this website" Honest Mind".

Information gathering from this website is legal and Fiat till not to stole something from from here as melodiously.


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